Here at The Buzzz We have always stressed the importance of both social and commercial insight skills. The sensitivity required in getting to the emotional core of a pressing social issue or public service shortfall, allows us to curate approaches which we can apply in commercial categories. The beauty of our approach is that it works both ways. So social research can be shaped and used in the way commercial brand and category research is which avoids it being left on the shelf or relegated to something ‘really interesting’.
So far, in print and online alone, there have been 229 pieces of coverage with a reach of 13.81 million people.
This week we saw that manifested as our long awaited report on Rural Domestic Abuse literally hit the headlines. This study represented 18 months of work and a commitment to bring the stories of rural victims of domestic abuse to the public eye so that policymakers; public service commissioning managers and service providers could finally unite behind something which was understood by all and a revelation to everyone who read our report.
What is remarkable is that almost everyone understands abuse goes on in our countryside, but very few have ever done anything about it!
We have to change that by lifting the lid on the scale of the problem and then doing what commercial organisations usually accomplish so well – making things change to reflect our new knowledge.
We will be posting a series of posts here to reflect the progress but would also urge anyone reading this to make a pledge here: